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37831 205th Street
Columbus, NE 68601

(402) 897-4253

CBD Products

CBD/CBG Tincture


CBD/CBG Tincture


All the benefits of our CBD Tincture but blended with “the mother of all cannabinoids”, CBG. CBG is know to have great potential benefits such as relief of inflammation of the digestive system, as a potential muscle relaxant and general pain relief.

All our products are FULL SPECTRUM, so they contain the full entourage of cannabinoids needed to allow CBD to reach its full potential in aiding in pain, anxiety, and sleep.

Tincture Directions: Always shake before using; place oil under the tongue, holding for about 15-20 seconds before swallowing. New users should start with a half dropper taken once per day. If desired results are not achieved, increase dose to a full dropper taken once per day. You may increase dose frequency as needed. Final dosage and frequency can be modified to meet user’s needs.

How long does it take to go through a bottle? If taking full dropper 100mg (1ml) doses daily, this tincture will last the user about 30 days. 1/2 dropper 50mg doses (.5ml) will extend your supply to 60 days, and 25mg (.25ml) doses will last about 120 days.

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